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Sandeep Marwah Chaired Business Delegation From Uzbekistan

Sandeep Marwah Chaired Business Delegation From Uzbekistan

New Delhi: A powerful delegation under the leadership of H.E. Teshabaev Khurram the Deputy Minister of Investment and Foreign Trade Government of Uzbekistan visited India for the promotion of Business.

PHD Chamber of Commerce organized an interaction and B2B Meetings with industry leaders under the guidance of Dr. Sandeep Marwah Chairperson of Art and Cultural Committee of PHDCCI.

The nine-member delegation was representing different sector such as infrastructure, mining food processing pharmaceuticals, leather products, tourism, and textile. Over 50 B2B meetings were successfully took place.

“I extend my heartiest welcome to the delegation of Uzbekistan to India. I cannot forget the hospitality and warm welcome we were given on our visit to Tashkent last year. India and Uzbekistan are the best friends and we would see that business between two countries should grow more,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah in a welcome speech. Niraj Director PHD conducted the program.

The member of delegation included Berdiev Nozim First Deputy Director of Agency on development of Pharmaceutical Industry, Zakhidov Mirsaid Deputy Chairman of Uzbek Leather Association, Bobokulov Bakhtiyor Deputy Chairman of Uzbek Building Materials Association, Kambarov Azmiddin Deputy Chairman of Uzbek Food Industry and Shakhriyorov Botir Deputy Governor of Bukhara region.

The others who visited India were Babakulov Rustam Head of the department of Foreign Economic Relations and Attraction of Investments of Uztextile Association, Khaidarov Khusan Deputy Head of Department of Uztrade and Parpiev Jasur Chief Specialist of the Department of Investments and Foreign Trade of Andijan region.