- Membership of ICMEI is open to organizations as well as individuals.
- Organizations related to the media and entertainment industry of every country recognized by the United Nations subscribing to the aims and objectives of ICMEI are eligible to become the members of ICMEI.
- Any individual above the age of 18 years, irrespective of caste, creed, color, sex or religion who subscribes to the aims and objectives of ICMEI is eligible to become a member of the Chamber.
- An organization or an individual can become a member of ICMEI either by invitation or by filling the admission form along with the admission fee.
- The contents of the admission form and the amount of the admission fee will be decided by the Governing Council of ICMEI and its decisions on all questions related to eligibility or any other matter related to membership of ICMEI will be final.
- All the organizations affiliated to the Asian Society of Film & Television are the members of ICMEI by invitation.
- vii All the individual members of the organizations included in (iii) above are the individual members of ICMEI by invitation.
- On invitation or on the receipt of the membership form along with the membership fee the name of the member organization or individual will be entered into the Register of Members and will be intimated about all the activities of the Chamber in advance for their active participation in them
The Chamber will maintain a Register of Members and record therein the names and addresses and the changes which may take place from time to time.
- The management of the affairs of the Council will be undertaken by the Governing Council of ICMEI.
- ii Governing Council will have a President who shall be the Chairman of all the meetings of the Governing council. The other office bearers of ICMEI shall be – Vice President, Secretary General and Treasurer.
- Apart from the office bearers mentioned above the Governing Council if required can also have Executive Members which will be invited by the President to handle the day to day activities of the Council.
- The Governing Council will be free to delegate any of its powers to Committees and Sub-Committees as it may constitute consisting of such members as it may decide for the fulfillment of its aims and objectives.
- Without prejudice to the generality of the powers of the Governing Council to do all such things as it may consider necessary for the fulfillment of its aims and objectives, it shall exercise the power to open bank account in the name of the Council in such bank(s) or other institution(s) as it may think fit from time to time and authorize any two members of the Governing Council to open such account(s).
- The Governing Council shall defray the expenses of the Chamber and make contributions from the funds of the Council to any trust, association or organization which has aims and objectives similar to those of the Chamber.
- The Governing Council shall meet as and when a meeting is convened by the President and will pass resolutions for the progress of the Chamber and for the fulfillment of its aims and objectives.
- The President of the Chamber will be the President of the Governing Council and vice-versa. The office bearers of the Chamber and the Governing Council will be the nominated by the President.
- In case of an equality of votes on any resolution in a meeting, he shall have the casting vote.
- He shall supervise the work of the office bearers of the chamber.
- Whenever the President may deem it fit, he shall represent the President/Council.
- He shall keep and maintain all records including Register of Members, Minutes Books etc.
- He shall undertake all kinds of correspondence on behalf of the Chamber.
- He shall convene the meetings of the Governing Council as well as the meetings of the Committees and the Sub-Committees and will give a prior notice of such meetings regarding the time, date, venue etc to all the members who will be required for such meetings.
- He shall perform all other functions as may be assigned to him.