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An Exhibition of Paintings Inaugurated at 5th GLFN

An Exhibition of Paintings Inaugurated at 5th GLFN

Noida: “It is a tradition in Marwah Studios, and we always make it a point to start our every major event with the exhibition of paintings and sculptures to promote fine arts within the campus,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah introducing the renowned painter and curater Iqbal Krishan at the inauguration of an exhibition of paintings at 5th Global Literary Festival Noida 2019.

“Fifteen known painters from all over India displayed their paintings during this three days powerful exhibition within the Global Literary festival. I am thankful to Sandeep Marwah for his love for paintings, which attracts painters from all over India to be part of these festivals. He is the real promoter of art,” said Iqbal Krishan.

“Exhibition of paintings makes the literary festival a complete show,” said H.E. Pham Sanh Chau Ambassador of Vietnam to India. “Painting is a self discovery, every painter paints what he is exactly,” added H.E. Cdr. K.L.Ganju Honorary Cosul General of Comoros in India.

“The world always seems brighter when you’ve just made something that wasn’t there before,” expressed H.E. Carlos Polo Ambassador of Peru to India. “Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time,” said Kamlesh Pandey Bollywood screenwriter while lighting the ceremonial lamp.

The exhibition remained open to general public and thousands of people took the advantage of this exhibition during the 5th Global literary festival.