Ambassdor of Philipines
Ambassador Turkmenistan
Administrator National Aviation Administration of Palau
High Commissioner of Cyprus
Ambassador Of Cube to India
Ambassador of Uruguay
Ambassador of Uzbekistan
Ambassador of Kazakhastan
Ambassador of Greece
Ambassador of Iceland
High Commissioner of Malaysia to India
Ambassador of Armenia
Ambassador of Lithuania
Romania’s Ambassador to India
Ambassador of Tunisia to India
Ambassador of Venezuela
Burillo Rivera Ambassador of Panama
Ambassador of Slovenia
Deputy Head of the Mission Embassy of Peru
Embassy of Kyrgyzstan
1st Secretary Vietnam
3rd Secretary Azerbaijan
Cultural Counsellor Embassy of Cuba
Cultural Counsellor Embassy of Hungary
Embassy of Russia
Ambassador of Uzbekistan
Chargé d’affaires Panama
High Commissioner of Namibia
Ambassador – Embassy of Sultanate of Oman
Ambassador of Suriname
Ambassador of Spain to India
Charge d’affaires Cuba
Charge d’affaires Mongolia
High Commissioner Ghana
High Commissioner Rwanda
3rd Secretary China
High Commissioner of the Republic of The Gambia
Hon. Consul General Republic of Palau
Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia
Minister Counsellor Georgia
High Commissioner Guyana
Chargé d’affaires Sudan
High Commissioner of Malawi
Ambassador of Uruguay to India
Ambassador of Paraguay
Ambassador of Zimbabwe
Ambassador of the Slovak Republic in India
First Secretary at Ghana High Commission
First Secretary DPR Korea
Embassy of Morocco
First Secretary Netherlands
Embassy of Morocco
Romania’s Embassy to India
Chargé d’Affaires Embassy of Gabon
Counsellor and Cultural Head of the Embassy of Peru
Deputy Head of Mission Embassy of Ireland
Counsellor Oman
Senior Counsellor Georgia
counsellor at the Gambia
Counsellor Malawi
Chargé d’affaires Guatemala
onorary Consul of Bahamas
Ambassador of Krygystan to India
Ambassador of Algeria to India
Counsellor Embassy of Palestine
Ambassador of Turkey
First Secretary of The Gambia High Commission
Hon. Consul General of the Union of Comoros
Shikhaliyev Ambassador of Azerbijan
Ambassador of Peru
Ambassador of dpr Korea
Embassy of Kazakhstan
Ambassador of Mangolia
Ambassador of the Slovak Republic
Duputy Head of the Mission Embassy of Serbia
Iran Cultural House
Ambassy of peru
Rajali Chrage d’Affairs High Commission of Malaysia
Ambassador of Ireland to India
Charge D’Affairs Embassy of Venezuela
Deputy Head of the Mission, High Commission of Cyprus
Ambassador of Chile
Embassy of Morocco
Fiji High Commission
Councellor Embassy of Morocco
Ambassador of the Slovak Republic
High Commission of Rwanda

H. E. Asein Isaev
Ambassador of Kyrgyz Republic to India

H E Gonchig Ganbold
Ambassador of Mongolia to India

H E Armen Martirosyan
Ambassador of Armenia to India

H E Carlos Polo
Ambassador of Peru to India

H E Dr. Marjen Cencen
Ambassador of Slovenia
to India

H E Moe Kyaw Aung
Ambassador of Myanmar
to India

H.E. .Mohamed Shoukr Nada
Cultural Counsellor
Embassy of

Mr. Nor'Azam Mohd Idrus
Deputy High Commissioner of

H.E. Ibrahim Hajiyev
Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan in India

H.E. Mohammed Maliki
Ambassador of Kingdom Of Morocco
to India

H.E. Mr. Paulias Korni
High Commissioner of Papua New Guinea in India

H. E. Mrs. Eleonora Dimitrova
Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria in India

Dr. Abdelrajzeg Abu jazer
Counsellor Embassy of State of

H.E. Mr. Ernest Rwamucyo
High Commissioner of the Republic of Rwanda in India

H E Farhod Arziev
Ambassador of Uzbekistan
to India

H E Sylvester Bus
Ambassador of Hungary
to India

H E Ahmed Mohamed
Ambassador of Maldives to India

H E Guyala Petho
Ambassador of Hungary to India

H E Bothata Tsikoane
High Commissioner of Lesotho to India

Mr. Jeyhun Aliyev
Charge d' Affairs Azerbaijan Embassy

Ms. Azreen Khan
Charge d' Affairs of Fiji to India

H E Ton Sinh Than
Ambassador of Vietnam to India

Dr. Lewis Mblizi
Charge d' Affairs of Malawi to India

H E Zigmund Bertok
Ambassador of Slovak Republic to India

Mr. Nilesh Roneel Kumar
Charge d' Affairs High Commission of Fiji
in India

H E Maj. Gen. Vetsop Namgyel
Ambassador of Bhutan
to India

H E Idriss Raoua QUEDRAOGO
Ambassador of Burkina Faso
to India

H.E. Andrew Crepin
GWODOG Minister for Environment Protection and Natural Resources of the Forest and the Sea, Government of the Republic of Gabon

H.E. Faiyaz Siddiq Koya
Minister for Industry, Trade, Tourism, Lands & Mineral Resources(Republic of Fiji)

H E Ashish Saraf
Honorary Consul General
of Bahamas

H E Abdul Basit
High Commissioner of Pakistan
to India

H E Augusto Montiel,
Ambassador of Venezuela
to India

H E Dr. Shaida Mohammad Abdali
Ambassador of Afghanistan to India

H E Jorge Castaneda
Ambassador of Peru in India

H E Deep Kumar Upadhyay
Ambassador of Nepal to India

H E Mentor Vilagomez
Ambassador of Ecuador to India

H E Bernhard Wrabetz
Ambassador of Austria
to India

H E Jainaba Jagne
High Commissioner of The Gambia
to India

H E Dato Hidayat Abdul Hamid
High Commissioner of Malaysia
to India.

Mr. Janice Darbari
Honorary Consul General of the Republic of Montenegro in India

H.E. Tomasz Łukaszuk
Ambassdor of Poland
to India

H.E. Alexandra Cece Loua
Ambassador of Guinea
to India

H E Francois Balumuene
Ambassador of The Democratic Republic of The Congo in India

H E Milan Hovorka
Ambassador of India
to Bangladesh

H E Amir Muharemi
Ambassador of Croatia to India

H E Desire Koumba
Ambassador of Gabon to India

H E Dr. Sabit Subasic
Ambassador of Bosnia to India

H E CHO Hyun
Ambassador of Korea to India

H E Chris Sunday Eze
High Commissioner of Nigeria to India

H E Lorenzo Angeloni
Ambassador of Italy to India

H E Vladimir Maric
Ambassador of Serbia to India

H E Radu Octavian Dobre
Ambassador of Romania to India

H.E. Mr. Michael Aaron Nii Nortey Oquaye
High Commissioner of Ghana to India

H E Ghassan ABDEL
Charge d' Affaires, Embassy of Lebanon to India

H E Jozef Drofenik
Ambassador of Slovenia
to India

H E Thorir Ibsen
Ambassador of Iceland
to India

H E Gorges de La Roche
Ambassador of Guatemala
to India

H E Suyoung Park
Deputy High Commissioner
to India

H.E. Mr. Yogesh Punja
High Commissioner
The Fiji
High Commission

H.E. Mr. Ashraf Shikhaliyev
Ambassador Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to India

H,E. Jan Luykx
Ambassador Embassy of Belgium
in india

H.E. Mr. Petko Doykov
Embassy of the Republic of
Bulgaria in India

Ms. Mogotsi First Secretary- Economic
High Commission of the Republic of Botswana to India

H.E. Demetrious A. Theophylactou
High Commissioner
High Commission of the
Republic of Cyprus

Ms. Maria Mercedes Gil Juscamaita
Charge d Affaires
Embassy of the
Republic of Peru

H.E. Milan Hovorka
Ambassador Embassy of the Czech Republic
in India

Dr Ali Dehgahi
Cultural Counsellor Embassy of Islamic Republic of
in india

Dr. Zoltan Wilhelm
Director, Cultural Counsellor,Embassy of the Republic of Hungary
in India

H.E. Mr. Chris Sunday Eze
High Commissioner High Comission of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

S. Roberta Maria Lima Ferreira
Head Cultural & Press Department Embassy of Brazil in india

Mr. Ricardo A. Berna M
Charge d Affaires
Embassy of Panama
in india

H.E.Tovar Da Silva Nunes
Ambassador Embassy of the Federative Republic of Brazil in india

H.E.Tovar Da Silva Nunes
Ambassador Embassy of Greece
in India

Mr. Bassirou Dieng
First Secretary Embassy of the Republic of Senegal in India

H.E. Darja Bavdaž Kuret
Ambassador H.Embassy of Republic of Slovenia In India

Mr. Abdoul Aziz Loum,
charged Affairs, Embassy of Senegal
in India

Mr. Andrii Muliarchuk
Deputy Head of the Mission Embassy of Ukraine in India

Zhang Zhihong
Cultural Counselor Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in India.

H.E. Jaime Nualart
Ambassador Embassy of Mexico
in India

Mrs. Hannah Anzi,
Cultural Attache, Embassy of Israel.
in India

Mr. Patricio Garces
Minister & Deputy Head of the Mission
Embassy of Ecuador in India

Mr. Osman M. Elbashir Mohammed
Charge d Affairs Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan

H.E. Mr. Gudmundur Arni Stefansson
Embassy of Iceland
in India

Luis M. Cabello
Economic and Commerciall Cousellor
Embassy of Peru in India

H.E. Mr. Muhamed Cengic
Ambassador Embassy of Bosnia And Herzegovina in india

Mr. Roman Masarik
Deputy Head of Mission, Czech Republic Embassy of the Czech Republic in India

H E Archil Dzuliashvili
Ambassador of Georgia

H.E. Mr Ung Sean
Ambassador of Cambodia to India

HE Mr Juan Angulo
Ambassador of chile

H E Abdulhasan Abdulsada
Ambassador of Iraq