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ICMEI Announced Chhath Mahautsav Jointly With Krishna Kala Foundation

ICMEI Announced Chhath Mahautsav Jointly With Krishna Kala Foundation

Noida: A Chhath Festival has been announced for nine days from 15th to 23rd November on line by the management of International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry in association with Krishna Kala Foundation and Education Society to project different arts of singing and dances of India

Chhath is an ancient Hindu Vedic Festival. The Chhath Puja is dedicated to the Solar Deity Surya  and Shashthi devi (Chhathi Maiya) in order to thank them for bestowing the bounties of life on earth and to request the granting of certain wishes

“We are keen in showcasing our dances and singing by different artists of the country and want to pay our gratitude to almighty for the life which he has bestowed upon us,” said Anu Sinha renowned International Classical Dancer & the Festival Director of Chhath Mahautsav.

“Music & Dance is the hidden language of the soul. What is so wonderful about dancing is that it helps you to relieve stress and to fully center yourself in the present moment. In a society that worships love, freedom, and beauty, music & dance is sacred. They are  prayers for the future, a remembrance of the past and a joyful exclamation of thanks for the present,” said Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios

“It is going to be a great show by ICMEI. We are connected to large number of countries and this is a wonderful occasion to project art and culture of India to rest of the  World,” added Marwah also Chair for AAFT School of Performing Arts.

Umesh Sharma, Dr. Krishna Pal, Santosh Tewari, O.P.Sapra, Aashwari Pawar, Rajni Rao, Amita Khare, Dr. Ranjana Tripathi, Anuradha Sharma, Shreenjeeta Ghosh and many more attended the opening meet of Chhath Festival.

Radio Noida 107.4 Fm, MSTV Online Television station, Asian News Agency are going to support the festival for all these days for festival to reach larger part of the World.