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ICMEI Announced Joint Film Production With Iranian Director

ICMEI Announced Joint Film Production With Iranian Director

New Delhi: Indo Iran Film And Cultural Forum of ICMEI in association with AAFT University announced a joint venture of documentary film to be shot in Delhi informed Ashok Tyagi Secretary General of ICMEI.

The film wing of International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry and Embassy of Iran in New Delhi decided to promote cinema together. A renowned filmmaker Soheil Abdollahi is already in India to start a documentary on Indian subject.

“We are ready to join hands with Iranian film maker to produce this documentary which will be different from other productions we have completed as it will be from the point of view of foreign director,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of ICMEI.

Marwah Studios will provide all the facilities what film director Soheil is looking for in India. AAFT Alumni will also participate in the film production. Sandeep Marwah presented life membership of International Film And Television Club of AAFT to the visiting Iranian Director Soheil Abdollahi