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ICMEI Celebrated Slovakia National Day

ICMEI Celebrated Slovakia National Day

New Delhi: “I on behalf of ICMEI and complete media and entertainment industry of India take this opportunity to extend my heartiest congratulations to H.E. Ivan Lancaric Ambassador of Slovakia to India and the people of Slovakia on the Constitution Day which is Slovakia’s National Day falls on 1st September,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry.

In Slovak, this holiday is called ‘Deň Ústavy Slovenskej republiky’ and it commemorates the adoption of the Slovak constitution on September 1st 1992. The establishment of the constitution effectively brought to end the state of Czechoslovakia, leading to establishment of the Czech and Slovak republics on January 1st 1993.

The constitution was officially signed on September 3rd 1992, in the Knights Hall at Bratislava Castle by the Speaker of the House, Ivan Gašparovič(now President) and the Prime Minister at the time, Vladimír Mečiar. The constitution itself had to be rushed and many parts are taken directly from the 1920 constitution of Czechoslovakia.