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ICMEI Congratulated Bangladesh on Its National Day

ICMEI Congratulated Bangladesh on Its National Day

New Delhi: “I on behalf of ICMEI, Media and Entertainment Industry and Art & Culture Fraternity of India take this opportunity to extend my heartiest congratulations to H.E. Muammad Imran High Commissioner of Bangladesh to India and people of Bangladesh on the Independence Day which falls on 26th March,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios and International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry.

Diplomatic relations between the two countries formally began with the visit of Indian Prime minister Indira Gandhi on 19 March 1972, at Dhaka , where she signed the Indo Bangladeshi Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Peace  with then Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

Sandeep Marwah Chair for Indo Bangladesh Film And Cultural Forum recollected and appreciated the participation of delegates from Bangladesh in every major event conducted by ICMEI all these years be it Global Cultural Summit, Global Fashion Week, Global Media Summit, Global Festival of Journalism etc.,