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ICMEI Observed World Tsunami Awareness Day

ICMEI Observed World Tsunami Awareness Day

Noida: The Environment Committee of ICMEI-International Chamber of Media And entertainment Industry in association with IFUNA- Indian Federation of United Nations Association jointly conducted the seminar on 5th November to observed World Tsunami Awareness Day.

“In December 2015, the UN General Assembly designated 5 November as World Tsunami Awareness Day, calling on countries, international bodies and civil society to raise tsunami awareness and share innovative approaches to risk reduction,” informed Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of ICMEI and Patron to IFUNA in a webinar talking about environment and different conditions on Earth.

“Tsunamis are rare events but can be extremely deadly. In the past 100 years, 58 of them have claimed more than 260,000 lives, or an average of 4,600 per disaster, surpassing any other natural hazard. The highest number of deaths in that period was in the Indian Ocean tsunami of December 2004. It caused an estimated 227,000 fatalities in 14 countries, with Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and Thailand hardest-hit,” added DR. Marwah.

By the year 2030, an estimated 50 per cent of the world’s population will live in coastal areas exposed to flooding, storms and tsunamis. Having plans and policies in place to reduce tsunami impacts will help to build more resilience and protect populations at risk. We have to plan a  local or national system  to anticipate tsunami said Marwah.

The event was supported by AAFT University of Media and Arts & World Peace Development And Research Foundation. Many members attended the session.