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Indo Lesotho Film and Cultural Forum Moves Further

Indo Lesotho Film and Cultural Forum Moves Further

New Delhi: India and the Kingdom of Lesotho are set to promote art and culture together, according to a recent announcement made by Thabang Linus Kholumo Charged D’ Affaires of High Commission of Kingdom of Lesotho in New Delhi, India.

Sandeep Marwah, President of International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry,  who is also the Chair of Indo Lesotho Film and Cultural Forum visited the High Commission and presented Patronship of the forum to the Charge D’ Affaires Thabang Linus Kholumo to further strengthen the cultural ties between the two nations.

This move comes as part of the ongoing efforts to promote cultural exchange and cooperation between India and Lesotho. The Indo Lesotho Film and Cultural Forum aims to facilitate the exchange of ideas, art, and culture between the two nations, and this partnership is a step in that direction.

This initiative is expected to open up new avenues for collaboration in the fields of art, music, literature, and other cultural activities. The partnership is expected to create opportunities for artists, musicians, and cultural enthusiasts to share their experiences and ideas, and foster a greater understanding of each other’s culture and heritage.

The Indo Lesotho Film and Cultural Forum is committed to promoting and preserving the rich cultural heritage of India and Lesotho and is looking forward to exploring new avenues of collaboration in the future.