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International Children’s Film Forum Brought Prestige to Marwah Studios

International Children’s Film Forum Brought Prestige to Marwah Studios

New Delhi: International Children’s Film Forum (ICFF) is the first ever Forum of its kind in the private sector of India established by global media guru Sandeep Marwah to support the government funded Children’s Film Society of India’s noble task of producing, distributing and exhibiting film for children way back in 2009 in association with AAFT.

“This Forum believes that moving picture could play significant role in shaping the mind, body and character of younger children and that films for children should be informational, educational as well as entertaining,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of ICFF.

International Children’s Film Forum is involved in creating awareness of the need for film specially made for the younger children. It is lending all possible support to the makers of films for children, in their work.

ICFF has been organizing debates, seminars, symposia workshops, festivals on films for children and side by side conducting short term and long term training programs on making of films for children by also Promoting research on films.

ICFF also facilitating exchange of films for children and their makers across the globe and creating a network of children’s film societies involving schools and non governmental organizations. ICFF promoting whole heartedly art, culture and sports for young Indians.

“More than 1000 schools, 100 colleges and many slums and villages have already been involved with ICFF in one or the other activity like workshops, seminars, interactions, talks and screening. Around 19000 students hailing from 145 countries of the World has been trained in film and television business. Special programs on Children have been designed for Radio Noida 107.4FM and MSTV. Few short films on children’s subject are now produced for screening,” informed Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of ICFF

“ICFF has been the integral part of Prime Minister’s Program Beti Bachao Beti Padao. ICFF now is the promoter of 12 ‘Apna schools’ in 12 different slums supporting 800 unprivileged children. 3 schools of ‘Pryatn’ Special Children are being looked after by ICFF in Delhi & Dehradun. 12 times Children’s Film Festival has been the part of Global Film Festival. Now we are also part of Scouts/Guides Organization of India,” added Dr. Marwah.