Noida: “I try to push ideas away and the ones that will not leave me are the ones that ultimately end up happening, and one of those is the announcement of ICMEI International Award for Excellence in Cinema during 13th Global Film Festival Noida 2020. Now we have constituted this new prestigious award. We don’t make movies to make more money but we make money to make more movies. Cinema has to be always backed and supported by passion,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios and founder of Noida Film City.
Sandeep Marwah, forty years in glamour business, is seven times World Record Holder in Media. He is the recipient of more than seven hundred awards from all over the World, chairing around hundred film, television, media, social, governmental and private organizations and is the cultural Ambassador of many countries.
“Create your own visual style, let it be unique for yourself and yet identifiable to others. Film Making is ultimate team sort. To make a film is easy but to make a good film is a war and to make a very good film is a magic. I always consider film makers as magicians,” said H.E. Muhammed Cengic Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to India at the first ICMEI International Awards for Excellence in Cinema inviting film personalities to Bosnia for film shooting. H.E. Muhammed Cengic is also patron to Indo Bosnia Film And Cultural Forum.
“Films are the best representative of culture of any country. Films are the best way to express yourself. The pain is temporary but once films are made then the history is created. Indo Peru Film And Cultural Forum has grown with time,” said Carlo Polo Ambassador of Peru to India also spoke about the film Industry at Peru and the films which have done extremely well. H.E. is also the Patron to Indo Peru Film And Cultural Forum.
Marwah Studios International Award for Excellence in Cinema was conferred upon twenty nine film makers from twenty One countries of the World. This is a first kind of function in India where so many creative people from the World of cinema have been honoured at the same time.

Sahra karimi, Shajia sojaei and Mohibulla Hamidi from Afghanistan, Pouran Derakhshandeh and Behrooz Chaihel- Iran, Prabhakar saran- Panama, Aida Begic and Faruk Loncarevic- Bosina & Herzegovina, Mike berry and Karl Bardosh- USA, David Canovas- Spain, Romail Gulzar and Peter Ferris- UK, Karma Tshering- Bhutan, Maria Mercedes Coroy- Guatemala, Gabor a Forgacs and Jeno Hodi – Hungary, Akrom Isakov – Uzbekistan, Rani Bleier and Dan Wolman -Israel, Naveen shalaby- Egypt, Richard yaw Boatang- Ghana, Effie Bachtsevana – Greece, Chaai Yeewei – Singapore, Adam Dawla- Germany, Joel Calero- Peru, AMB Lancelot Oduwa Imasuen – Nigeria, Nariman Mammadov – Azerbaijan and Yassine Samih from Morocco were honoured with prestigious award.
Later all the filmmakers spoke about their feelings and impression about this very exclusive international event online. It was indeed bonding of different cultures through Cinema. ”We could bring love, peace and unity through art and culture,” added Marwah.