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National Day of Kazakhstan Celebrated at ICMEI

National Day of Kazakhstan Celebrated at ICMEI

New Delhi: “I on behalf of ICMEI, Media and Entertainment Industry and art and culture fraternity of India take this opportunity to extend my heartiest congratulations to H.E. Yerlan Alimbayev Ambassador of Kazakhstan to India and the people of Kazakhstan on the National Day which falls on 16th December,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry on the celebration of National Day at ICMEI.

“We are happy that recently We have created Indo Kazakhstan Film And Cultural Forum and has been developing and promoting the relations between India and country of Kazakhstan. We are thankful to the Ambassador for nominating Dr. Sandeep Marwah as Chair of IKFCF,” added Rajiv Mathur Director ICMEI.

Radio Noida 107.4Fm, MSTV, Asian News Agency, AAFT University of Media and Arts, International Film And Television Club and International Film An& Television Research Centre now supporting the programs designed by Indo Kazakhstan Film And Cultural Forum.