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Need To Raise The Standards of Media Education- Sandeep Marwah

Need To Raise The Standards of Media Education- Sandeep Marwah

New Delhi: “There is definitely need of raising the standards of film, television and media education in the country as many unwanted, half-baked and unprepared institutions have immerged during last few years who all are not at all equipped for a well-designed education and training in media,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah Chancellor of AAFT University of Media And Arts in a webinar organized by Uday Shankar Pani a well-known film maker under the title Bharatiya Chalchitra Samvad.

Speaking on the occasion in the capacity of Chief Guest Shri Ram lal Ji senior RSS Leader and former National General Secretary of BJP guided all film makers and head of many schools running different media courses to inculcate nationalism and patriotism in the education system. He also emphasized towards promotion of the Indian culture and traditions as part of media training.

Dr. Marwah informed the house that Ministry of Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution, Government of India under Bureau of Indian Standards has already taken a bold step of raising the standard of media education in India.

Filmmakers and educators expressed themselves and raised many points of intelligence. Uday Shanker Pani presented AAFT as role model for the country and paid vote of thanks to all the heads of schools present there.