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Sandeep Marwah Addressed MSME at SME Bizz Business Conference

Sandeep Marwah Addressed MSME at SME Bizz Business Conference

New Delhi: “Great ventures start from small beginnings, and that includes your small business. Failure is not to be feared. It is from failure that most growth comes. You need to work hard and smartly,”  Dr. Sandeep Marwah Founder of Noida Film City and President of Marwah Studios speaking in the capacity of Chief Guest at the Business Conference organised by Jitendra of SMEBIZZ.

“You need to dream big. Dreams are not the one which comes when you sleep, dreams are the one which never let you sleep. Higher the ambitions higher the jump and higher is the result. Develop conviction in your projects and start to finish should be the zest,” added Dr. Marwah giving his example of creating the first of North India and forth Film City of the country in Noida. He also mentioned  the planning and design of Marwah Studios and Asian Academy of Film and Television.

India is the rising economy. We need every thing today right from pin to plane. Learn the marketing techniques and educate yourself  with new ways of business,” expressed DR. Marwah. The event was supported by ICMEI- International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry and, Asian Unity Alliance.