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Sandeep Marwah Appreciated Works of Abhijit Pathak

Sandeep Marwah Appreciated Works of Abhijit Pathak

New Delhi: Renowned media personality Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios, visited the exhibition of paintings by well-known painter Abhijit Pathak at Bikaner House in New Delhi. The exhibition was curated by Reshma Chordia and Liza Varma. Sandeep Marwah spoke to the press about the paintings and art of India, expressing his admiration for the rich artistic traditions of the country.

During his visit, Sandeep Marwah also Chair for Asian Academy of Arts, appreciated the intricate details and vivid colors of Abhijit Pathak’s paintings, which he said were a reflection of India’s diverse cultural heritage. He also highlighted the importance of supporting emerging artists and promoting their work.

Abhijit Pathak is known for large scale mixed media abstract art. He uses diverse materials including charcoal, pigments, paper, cloth, canvas, wood, sand and metal among many others. His works are inspired by his surroundings, the people, spaces, architecture, urban, rural, the environment, mysticism and other subtle influences including, music and sound. Rich in its visual stimuli, India has been a fertile playground for him. The dichotomy is extreme. A multi-layered treatment of material, surface, texture and imagery combine to express and define his expressions. The event was well attended and received rave reviews from art enthusiasts and critics alike.

Sandeep Marwah’s visit to the exhibition and his comments to the press highlighted the significance of art in Indian culture and the need to nurture and promote emerging talent. The event was a testament to the vibrancy and diversity of India’s art scene, and the talent and creativity of its artists.