New Delhi: Renowned film and media personality Sandeep Marwah released the new calendar of the year 2020. In a grand function titled ‘Ravishing Personalities 2020’. With Seema Agarwal as creative director and curated by Seema Gumber of Star Buzzz Events at Nirakar Jewels in New Delhi.
Some of the most popular personalities of the country including Chief Scout For India Sandeep Marwah. Popular actor such as Rakesh Bedi, Deepak Arora, well known singer Anoop Jalota, TV Star Adnan Khan, fashion designer. That Such as Bharat & Reshma, Mohit Gulati and Consul General of Comoros K.L.Ganju were the participants.
“The idea of having these known personalities on the calendar is to keep the enthusiasm on through out the year. These personalities bring lots of Inspiration to the common man,” said Seema Gumber. Renowned film and media personality Sandeep Marwah released the new calendar of the year 2020.
That such as “I extend my heartiest congratulations to Seema Gumber and Seema Agarwal For a very colorful and interesting program. I wish everyone here a very happy, healthy and prosperous new year,” said Sandeep Marwah. Chief Scout For India Sandeep Marwah. Popular actor such as Rakesh Bedi, Deepak Arora, well known singer Anoop Jalota, TV Star Adnan Khan, fashion designer