- To promote, develop and stimulate the growth of the Media and Entertainment Industry for the achievement of international co-operation, peace and prosperity.
- To hold festivals, conferences, seminars, master-classes, workshops and events regularly in order to provide an opportunity to the people to get exposed to the cultures of various countries of the world.
- To collect and make public the authentic data related to Circulation/TRP/Box-Office figures of the Media and Entertainment Industry and to use such data to conduct research for the development and growth of the Media and the Entertainment Industry across the world.
- To define the rights of the members of the Media and Entertainment Industry and to continuously strive to protect and defend those rights.
- To provide the members of the Media and Entertainment industry a place where they can meet, discuss and exchange ideas related to the industry and their role within the industry.
- To establish and maintain a pool of knowledge comprising of website, library of books/DVDs and a museum to preserve such articles, documents and properties related to Media and Entertainment Industry that need to be preserved and to use such pool of knowledge and museum for the up gradation of the training of the new members of the Media and Entertainment Industry across the world.
- To ensure that the Government lays down the right policies and passes the right legislations to provide the latest infrastructure, financial assistance and business facilities to Media and Entertainment Industry in India and other countries of the world.
- To continuously strive for and defend the freedom of expression of the Media and Entertainment Industry.
- To accept gift/donation, membership fee etc and to obtain money in any lawful manner and to invest the same in such manner as may be considered the most desirable including investment into movable and immovable property for the achievement of the aims and objectives of the Chamber.
- To sell, develop exchange, lease, let, sub-let, mortgage, dispose off or otherwise deal with all or any part of the property of the Chamber for the fulfillment of the aims and objectives of the Chamber.
- To oversee and protect the commercial interest of the members of the Media and Entertainment Industry in India as well as other countries of the world and to relentlessly work for their welfare in every possible manner.