School of Fashion and Design
Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the streets and has to do with ideas, the way we live and what’s happening around us everyday.
Realising this, International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry(ICMEI) is supporting school of Fashion & Design, training students from all parts of the world to be more observant and creative, shaping them into dynamic fashionistas who would significantly contribute to the field of fashion.
The School of Fashion & Design is diligently training the aspiring trendsetters on costume designing and new innovations in the field of fashion. The school primarily focuses on the development of designing skills of the fresh talent.
The film and media industry is in constant need of skillful and creative people who can effortlessly apply innovative designs and aesthetics to the garments and accessories for the television celebrities and movie stars. The school of Fashion & Design gives a platform to the aspiring fashion designers to create and exhibit their original work portfolio and also to collaborate and learn with the eminent designers in the industry. It is training the young and creative people to become productive for the industry.
ICMEI understands that fashion industry and film industry are two inseparable sides of the same coin and owing to this understanding , it’s actively working to impart fashion education and training throughout the world.