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Two Decades of Sandeep Marwah in PHDCCI Management

Two Decades of Sandeep Marwah in PHDCCI Management

New Delhi: Renowned film, television and media personality Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios, Chancellor of AAFT University of Media and Arts and National Chairman M&E BIS Ministry of Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution, Government of India has been nominated as the member of Managing Committee of PHD Chamber of Commerce.

Dr. Sandeep Marwah Joined PHDCCI in 2001-2002 when Late president Arun Kapoor invited him to join the Chamber. Dr. Marwah started new committee title ‘Media and Entertainment’ under the leadership then President P.K.Jain and had been chair for eleven years till the President ship of Suman Jyoti Khaitan. He had been working hand in hand with President Ravi Vig, K.N.Memani, Sushms Berlia, Sanjay Bhatia, Dr. L.K.Malhotra, Satish Bagrodia, Ashok Kajaria, Salil Bhandari and  Sandeep Somany till 2012-13.

Dr. Marwah was renominated to the managing committee in 2014-15 by President Alok Sriram as Chairman for newly constituted Art and Culture Committee suggested by him and continued to provide his services to the Chamber with President Dr. Mahesh Gupta, Dr. Gopal Jiwarajka, Anil Khaitan , Rajeev Talwar and Dr. D.K. Agarwal till 2019-20.

“I am once again thankful to the President Pradeep Multani 2021-22 for inviting me to the Managing Committee of PHD. I am sure I will be able to contribute to the growth of the Chamber,” said Sandeep Marwah.

“I extend my heartiest congratulations to the new team of leaders President Pradeep Multani, Senior Vice President Saket Dalmia and Vice President Sanjeev Agarwal on taking over the office at PHD. I have completed twenty two years in PHDCCI and twenty years in management committee ,” said Dr. Marwah also thanking Saurab Sanyal Secretary General of PHDCCI.