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Webinar on Future Prospects of PR Events at ICMEI

Webinar on Future Prospects of PR Events at ICMEI

New Delhi: “The whole media and entertainment industry has shift from outdoors to indoors for the time being. Priorities have changed in the demands of the people of the country. PR Events has changed its colors. In this situation it is necessary for the organizations to make money and audience to keep busy,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios initiating the webinar on Future Prospects of PR And Events organized by ICMEI.

“New words have been added to day to interaction such as social distancing, We’re living in a pandemic and everything you ever did before should be handled differently now, including your PR and marketing efforts. Brands are made up of human beings, and as such, we must act responsibly and compassionately,” said Smita Singh Managing Director of Communication Heights PR Agency,

“The coronavirus has transformed the way we live, love, work, and do business. The way you conduct your public relations both externally and internally as a company during this time is vitally important for your reputation. As a respectable brand you can’t just continue business as usual,” said Dr. Vinod Verma Vice President and Head of Regulatory Affairs Aditya Birla Group,

“it’s so important to engage continuously with your customers via social media and other online channels, while also making sure that you cater to their needs rather than your own,” added Achal Sharma AC Secretary Core Prrlers Foundation,

“As a smart PR person, you should look at the news you have coming up in the pipeline and see how you can adapt your announcements to be more in tune with the issues and needs created by the coronavirus outbreak,” guided Cdr Kaushal Choudhary CEO Data Resolve Technologies

“When much of the world needs help, the best way to make a name for yourself is to help people. Yes, there may be a reduced appetite for your products at this moment in time, but there has been an explosion in the demand for aid and assistance,” expressed Pushyanti Shukla Senior Accounts Manager Adfactors PR participated in the session and expressed their point of views.

Large number of young event managers, PR Agents, students of advertising attended the webinar. AAFT School of PR Events And Advertising supported the event. Dr. Sushil Bharti Director Radio Noida 107.4 FM paid vote of thanks.