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27 Years of AAFT Celebrated in Pandemic on 22nd July

27 Years of AAFT Celebrated in Pandemic on 22nd July

New Delhi: “We have not lost the spirits and enthusiasm because of the pandemic Corona Virus. The eagerness and anxiousness have grown in all these four months of lockdowns and social distancing as to what new we can present from AAFT to the world of education. We have upgraded our self in these few days of pain and now ready to face the new challenge and any other unforeseen circumstances,” said Prof. Dr. Sandeep Marwah Founder Director and Chancellor of AAFT University addressing the group of journalists at New Delhi.

“Our journey from a boutique institute to a full-fledged university is   a case study in the media and entertainment industry and education industry all over the World. Seven world records, enormous international and national awards, incomparable accolades speak the positioning of AAFT on the world map,” added Dr. Marwah emotionally.

“Blessings and appreciations of Presidents, Prime Ministers, Governors, Ministers and top-notch artists and professionals from all strata of life from various countries have given us enough strength to survive from all sort of good and bad jumps of these 27 years of our existence,” expressed Dr. Marwah.

“AAFT is committed to best of the education in every field possible in time to come. A family of 20,000 people directly associated with the group is our strength, power and muscle. India is proud to have an institution of that standard which can attract students from 145 countries of the World,” said Dr. Marwah with great hope and confidence.