Noida: “Love Peace and Unity through art and culture is the theme of 5th Global Fashion Week 2021 and we have tried our best to bring in 52 countries this time on the ramp. The colourful dresses are adding not only the colours of flags but representing flora and fauna of that country,” said Sandeep Marwah President of the festival addressing large gathering anxiously waiting for the global fashion show.
“Fashion is what you’re offered four times a year by designers. And style is what you choose. I think there is beauty in everything. What ‘normal’ people would perceive as not good, I can usually see something of beauty in it. I am already impressed by the quality of work shown by young designers from all over India,” added Sandeep Marwah also President of AAFT School of Fashion and Design.
Designers like Zahwa Akhter presented collection in the second round where the inspiration was from country of United Kingdom, Prtishtha Prabhat preferred Sudan, Abhimanyu Sethi finalised with Kyrgyzstan, Evana Singh also opted for Kyrgyzstan, Smiriti Prabhaker desigs were totally influenced by Georgia, Harshit Chetan designs were inclined towards Armenia, Tarun Kishore opted Hungary, Karishma Madan went for Cambodia, Taripti Narula managed good with Egypt, Rohan looked for Nigeria, Puja Prajapati selected Kazakhstan, Kiran Roy & Sargm Priya chosen Lesotho, Guny Singhal worked for Bahamas, Geetanjali Pokhral loved the works from Slovenia and Mansi Arya designed in relation to Iceland.
Ritu Lal Director AAFT School of Fashion and Design extended her heartiest thanks to everyone present in the auditorium for encouraging young designers. AAFT Event Director Haripriya , ICMEI Director Rajiv Mathur, Radio Noida Director Sushil Bharti, Marwah Studios Director Viney Kumar Sabikhi, complete staff and management of AAFT School of Fashion and Design were deeply involved in organising the first day of festival.
Later an attractive news- letter of the festival designed by students along with fascinating Dairies designed by Rohit Razdan & Eksha Mehendirata were released by the dignities. The event was supported by World Peace Development and Research Foundation, International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry. Asian Academy of Arts and International Film and Television Research Centre.

First Day of 5th Global Fashion and Design Week 2021