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Closing Function of 3rd Global Fashion And Design Week

Closing Function of 3rd Global Fashion And Design Week

Noida: “I extend my heartiest thanks to each and every one who has been associated with 3rd Global Fashion And Design Week Noida 2019. I pay my gratitude to every faculty member of Asian Education Group, member of administration and management of Marwah Studios, International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry for supporting me in presenting one of the best fashion weeks of the World,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios at the closing function of 3rd GFDWN at Noida Film City.

208 designers, 750 garments, 85 models, 50 countries, 12 workshops, 12 seminars, 8 exhibitions, 34 diplomats, 63 rounds in 9 Fashion shows, 300 press, 24000 footfall in 3 days-Yes it was indeed an extra ordinary festival of design. A new record has been established with 3rd fashion week.

The auditorium was full of members of Asian Education Group, Marwah Studios and ICMEI. Dr. Marwah honored and presented a certificate and a gift as token of appreciation to all.

Every one appreciated the efforts of Ritu Lal Director and her team from AAFT School of Fashion And Design. “We promise you a bigger and better show next time in 2020,” said Ritu Lal thanking Dr. Marwah for his vision and extra ordinary support.