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ICMEI Round Table Conference on Solar Power

ICMEI Round Table Conference on Solar Power

Noida: International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry organized a round table conference on Solar Power under the leadership of Dr. K.D.Gupta Chairman Environment & Climate Committee and Committee of Renewable Energy at Marwah Studios, film city Noida.

“We are moving towards the danger zone as environment has been badly destroyed and there is a huge change in climate which is giving the wrong signals.   Conserving natural resources is a basic requirement for sustainable development and improving the quality of human life. To reverse the trend towards resource degradation, we need to give greater priority to ecological principles,” said Sandeep Marwah President of Chamber and initiated the subject.

Protecting our environment requires changing how our essential resources are managed and how our energy needs are met. Political decisions on our energy future should not be left to a cartel of multinational companies,” added B.S. Rawat

“Solar power is the key to a clean energy future. Every day, the sun gives off far more energy than we need to power everything on earth. That’s why we’re investing heavily in solar plants and why we are now offering solar kits to our customers,” said Dr. A.K. Saxena Advisor to BEHL,

A well known film maker and sculpturist Rajiv Anchal shared his valuable experience to the house as how they converted baron land into the most fertile land for tourism.

Large number of scientists, manufacturers and Government officials participated in the conference. Later Sandeep Marwah honored every participant with the membership of World Peace Development And Research Foundation. A poster to mark respect to ‘World Elder Abuse Awareness Day’ was also observed.