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International Youth Day of UN Celebrated at New Delhi

International Youth Day of UN Celebrated at New Delhi

New Delhi: “India is the biggest youth power. 65 percent of Indian population is youth. We have to keep our young Indian all the time motivated and have to train them to use this powerful energy in the right direction. They are the real future of Great India,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry in the opening remarks in a webinar to celebrate International Youth Day by Lions Club of Delhi Veg in association with Indian Council For Human Relations and Confederation of Young Indians.

Sandeep Marwah emphasized on a phrase- Ambitions to Attitude. Marwah added, ”It is very important to have big dreams and also to have a very polite attitude to be successful in life. There is no alternate to hard work. The youth must believe in Indian theories, traditions to take the culture to next generation. It is a age of ICE- Information, Communication and Entertainment, they should be well prepared in these lines to compete with the World.”

Dr. Sandeep Marwah also Patron to IFUNA- Indian Federation of United Nations Associations informed everybody with the new National Campaign started by ICMEI- International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry along with AAFT University of ‘Shisth Bharat’ to inculcate Civic Sense and etiquette in every field of learning.

K.J. Alphons former Union Minister and MP Rajya Sabha, Dr. K.K.Agarwal of Heart Care Foundation, Gaurav Gupta President Lions Club of Delhi Veg, H.E. Maj. General Chris Sunday Eze High Commissioner of Nigeria to India, H.E. Grace Akello Ambassador of Uganda to India, H.E.  Coromoto Godoy Calderon Ambassador of Venezuela to India, K.L. Ganju Consul General of Comoros in India and K.L.Malhotra General Secretary Indian Council for Human Relations also spoke on the occasion.