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MP Jagannath Spoke to Members of International Journalism Centre

MP Jagannath Spoke to Members of International Journalism Centre

Noida: “I appreciate the idea of Positive & constructive Journalism as President of International Journalism Centre Sandeep Marwah has put it so clearly. Lets work towards positivity and bring our country to better platform in the World,” said Jagannath Sarkar an Indian politician who has been a Member of Lok Sabha for Ranaghat since 2019.

“We need news papers, TV channels and other mediums of media to also high light the achievements of individuals, business houses & associations and our own government,” added Jagannath Sarkar Member Parliament on the occasion of third day of Global Festival of Journalism Noida

“Constructive journalism is an emerging domain which involves communication based around reporting solution-focused news, instead of revolving only around negative and conflict-based stories. Constructive journalism aims to give stories more context and make the consumer of the news more intelligent,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah.

Dr. Marwah Presented and honoured Jagannath Sarkar with life membership of International Journalism Centre of Marwah Studios along with memento of Global Festival. The event was attended by large number of professional journalists and media students from all over India and abroad.