Workshop by Music Director Andrew Fryer at AAFT aaft_user May 14, 2018 Noida: The AAFT School of Cinema organized a film & music workshop for all those students who are keen in…
Sandeep Marwah Extended Gratitude to Senior Film Makers aaft_user May 14, 2018 Mumbai: “I am thankful to each and every one who has contributed to the growth of Asian Academy of Film…
99th Batch AAFT Inaugurated at Marwah Studios aaft_user May 12, 2018 Noida: The most popular film and Television training centre of the country of India – Asian Academy of Film And…
Sandeep Marwah Honored for His Services to Indo Nigerian Relations aaft_user May 12, 2018 Noida: More than 100 dedicated students who have been trained by Marwah under Asian Academy of Film And Television for…
H.E. Major General Chris Sunday Eze Patron to Indo Nigerian Film Association aaft_user May 12, 2018 Noida: One of the oldest organization, INFA- Indo Nigerian Film Association, to promote and develop the relation between India and…
Yog is Art of Positive Thinking -Sandeep Marwah aaft_user May 7, 2018 New Delhi: Yog is ‘Dhyan Se Gian’ from meditation to knowledge. It is the art and science of Positive Thinking.…
Zingmund Bertok Patron to Indo Slovakia Cultural Forum aaft_user May 7, 2018 New Delhi: Recently the Embassy of Slovakia at New Delhi and International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry formed an…
Sandeep Marwah Honored And Nominated Chair for Slovakia Forum aaft_user May 7, 2018 New Delhi: The Ambassador of Slovakia H.E. Zigmund Bertok today honored and nominated Sandeep Marwah as the Chair of newly…
Indo Slovakia Cultural Forum Formed aaft_user May 7, 2018 New Delhi: International Chamber of Media And Entertainment proposed Embassy of Slovakia to create and launch Indo Slovakia Film And…
ICMEI Will Create A Separate African Cultural Union aaft_user May 7, 2018 Noida: ICMEI- International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry and Marwah Studios in association with AAFT- Asian Academy of Film…
Sandeep Marwah Addressed ASSOCHAM on Entertainment Industry aaft_user May 7, 2018 New Delhi: A well known media personality and President of International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry Sandeep Marwah was…
ART And Culture Committee of PHDCCI Met Minister aaft_user May 7, 2018 New Delhi: The members of Art and Cultural Committee of PHD Chamber of Commerce under the Chairmanship of Sandeep Marwah…
Sandeep Marwah Inaugurated Guru Pranam Utsav aaft_user May 7, 2018 New Delhi: Three days Guru Pranam Ustav of art and culture to promote Odissi dance and music designed by Jyoti…
Sandeep Marwah Honored With Bihar Gaurav Samman aaft_user May 7, 2018 New Delhi: International Public Broadcasting Forum, International Film And Television Club, International Film And Television Research Centre, International Children’s Film…
INFCF President Met Prime Minister of Nepal aaft_user May 7, 2018 New Delhi: A well known media celebrity and Chair of Indo Nepal Film And Cultural Forum Sandeep Marwah met the…
Sandeep Marwah Honored by Ministry of Textile at Varanasi aaft_user May 7, 2018 Varanasi: Legendary educationist and founder of Noida film city Sandeep Marwah was honored with Confluence –Aavaran Award by the Ministry…
Dadasaheb Phalke Film Award for Sandeep Marwah aaft_user April 30, 2018 Mumbai: Renowned film and television personality Sandeep Marwah with five world records to his credit, honored with the most prestigious Dadasaheb…
AAFT Will Promote Art Hand in Hand With Brahma Kumaris aaft_user April 26, 2018 Noida: A team of representatives of one of the most popular spiritual organization Brahma Kumaris based in Mount Abu decided…
AAFT and the High Commission of Canada celebrate National Canadian Film Day 2018 aaft_user April 26, 2018 April.2018, Noida: To mark the fifth annual National Canadian Film Day (NCFD 2018), the Asian Academy of Film & Television…
Indo Gambia Cultural Forum Formed During 2nd GFDWN aaft_user April 24, 2018 Noida: The 2nd Global Fashion And Design Week Noida 2018 marked another history by creating Indo Gambia Film And Cultural Forum…
NFTC Managing Director Sandeep Marwah at Varanasi aaft_user April 24, 2018 Varanasi: The Managing Director of National Federation of Tourism And Transport Cooperatives of India Limited was in Varanasi admiring the…
Sandeep Marwah Nominated Head of Indo Malaysian Cultural Forum aaft_user April 24, 2018 Noida: 2nd Global Fashion And Design Week Noida 2018 turned out to be lucky for Sandeep Marwah, not only the week…
Jainaba Jagne Patron to Indo Gambia Cultural Association aaft_user April 24, 2018 Noida: “No can be better advisor and mentor to the organization created to develop and promote relation between India and…
Sandeep Marwah Crowned Chair by Gambian Government aaft_user April 24, 2018 Noida: 2nd Global Fashion And Design Week Noida 2018 brought many new waves to the working of International Chamber of Media…
3rd Vajra World Record For Sandeep Marwah aaft_user April 24, 2018 New Delhi: Another feather in the cap of Sandeep Marwah when the management of Vajra records registered the World Record…
Minister Prem Prakash Pandey at Marwah Studios aaft_user April 24, 2018 Noida: The Education Minister of the State of Chhattisgarh Shri Prem Prakash Pandey was the special guest at Marwah Studios,…
AAFT Social Wing Will Work on Women’s Problem aaft_user April 24, 2018 Noida: AAFT-Asian Academy of Film And Television has a department where all social issues are discussed and high lighted by…
Poster of Yogshala Expo 2018 Released by Sandeep Marwah aaft_user April 24, 2018 Noida: The third edition of The Yogshala Expo 2018 has been scheduled from 4th May to 6th May 2018 at Hall no…
Marwah Films And Video Production Announces Web Series aaft_user April 21, 2018 Noida: Marwah Films And Video Production announced a web series to be launched at the beginning of May this year…
2nd Global Fashion And Design Week Formally Inaugurated at Film City aaft_user April 21, 2018 Noida: 2nd Global Fashion Week Noida 2018 inaugurated with great pomp and show by people of National and international importance in…
2nd Global Fashion And Design Week Noida Started With New Energy aaft_user April 21, 2018 Noida: The 2nd Global Fashion And Design Week Noida 2018 today started its national and international activities with full new energy…
Indo Malaysian Film And Cultural Forum Launched at 2nd GFDWN aaft_user April 21, 2018 Noida: History has been written when first ever Indo Malaysian Film And Cultural Forum launched during the 2nd Global Fashion And…
Dato Hidayat Abdul Hamid Presented With Patronship of IMFCF aaft_user April 21, 2018 Noida: The High Commission of Malaysia to India and International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry, to promote relations through…
Mohit Marwah Honored With Hindi Cinema Samman January 14, 2018 New Delhi: Renowned actor Mohit Marwah was honored with Hindi Cinema Samman for his extra ordinary performance in feature film…
Pankaj Parashar Honored With Hindi Cinema Samman January 14, 2018 New Delhi: Renowned film director Pankaj Parashar was honored with Hindi Cinema Gaurav Samman a national award for his 30…
Darmesh Darshan Honored With Hindi Cinema Gaurav Samman January 14, 2018 New Delhi: A well-known film director Darmesh Darshan was honored with the most prestigious National award for Hindi cinema- Hindi…
Sandeep Marwah Appeals to Art World on First Day of New Year 2018 January 14, 2018 New Delhi: Sandeep Marwah, President of International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry, extended his best wishes to all the…
11th International Festival of Cellphone Cinema Announced January 14, 2018 Noida: One of the most unique film festivals of the World-International Festival of Cellphone Cinema will see its 11th edition…
ICMEI Supports Developed Village Developed Nation Campaign January 14, 2018 New Delhi: ICMEI- International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry join hands with IECSME- Indo European Chamber of Small And…
AAFT Scholarship for Bulgarian Student- Sandeep Marwah January 14, 2018 Noida: Indo Bulgarian Film And Cultural Forum created jointly by International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry and Embassy of…
ICMEI Seminar on Environment at Marwah Studios January 14, 2018 Noida: A high profiled seminar was organized by AAFT- Asian Academy of Film And Television in association with ICMEI- International…
Book of Pankaj Singh Released at International Environment Seminar January 14, 2018 Noida: A grand seminar took place at Marwah Studios under the leadership of Global Green Ambassador Sandeep Marwah organized by…
Hindi Cinema Samman for Ambassador of Bulgaria January 14, 2018 New Delhi: A grand function to support Government of India’s faverouite program of Promotion of Hindi language along with promotion…