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Sandeep Marwah Is Invited As Patron to Malaysia Asian Chamber of Commerce

Sandeep Marwah Is Invited As Patron to Malaysia Asian Chamber of Commerce

Kuala Lumpur: “On behalf of Malaysia Asian Chamber of Commerce, it is great pleasure to extend a formal invitation to Dr. Sandeep Marwah with highest respect as “HONORARY PATRON”. Your good self will bring much needed perspective and influence to the work we do at chamber,” said Dr. Jyanthi Raj President of MACC.

“At Chamber we focus on empowering young entrepreneurs to be active in serving their community through implementations of projects that could elevate the society whilst providing business and employment opportunities globally. Through the chamber we aim for the young entrepreneurs and leaders to take active participation in developing excellent business environment in their respective countries,” added Dr. Jyanthi Raj.

Sandeep Marwah is a well-known international media personality with seven World Records to his credit. His contribution to media and entertainment Industry, Education Industry and Tourism Industry is par excellence. He is one of the most well known Indian abroad because of his strong relations with many countries, which he represents as cultural Ambassador in India including many Asian countries.