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Sandeep Marwah Promotes Game of Basketball

Sandeep Marwah Promotes Game of Basketball

New Delhi: A Basketball Conclave was organized by IBPA- The Indian Basketball Players Association to appreciate the wonderful work by the members of IBPA and to discuss the development of women basketball.

“More enthusiasm is to be created in youth to join basketball game if we have to produce players of international standards. The young players need good nutrition, complete rest, massive practice and international level instructors to guide to the best. I am sure like other international games basket ball also need continuous persuasion also to uplift the basketball association,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios and advisor to IBPA.

“I would love to recommend the coverage of association and its activities by Radio Noida and MSTV on regular basis first to make game more popular and then association more vibrant so that all together we can promote the game of basketball,” added Dr. Sandeep Marwah.

The meeting was attended by well-known basketball player and now   Bollywood actress Neetu Chandra, former WNBA Basketball player and now instructor Tamik Jeter Williams.

Aparna Ghosh Dyanchand Awardee and former Indian team captain & Coach, Prasanna Jayasankar former Indian team captain, Jeena Scaria Australian Pro Team Wringwood lady Hawks player & former Indian Captain, Appoorva Muralinath international basketball player Assistant Women Coach of Dean College Massachusetts USA and Rohit Patel participated in the conclave.

The program was dedicated in the memory of Shri Rajesh Patel. Ashok Sharma national player and FIBA commissioner, Sandeep & Kushvinder Sarna members of Indian Basketball team were also present there. Jayashankar Menon Asian All star Basketball player and J. Balakrishnan International basketball player moderated the program.